The Costs Behind Timeshare Ownership
When consumers look to purchase a Timeshare, they are naturally concerned with one major factor, the alleged savings. By owning a portion of the location, one is led to believe they are entitled to a discount on booking costs, included packages, and getting exclusive deals not normally offered to the public. This is far from the truth however, and Timeshares usually cost owners roughly 400-1000% more than a regular vacationer would pay to book the room or resort online. Even the promise of ownership itself is a falsehood meant to appeal to the emotions of prospective consumers. Hidden Fees The theory behind the deception is a simple one, getting consumers to pay annually or even monthly for a property they may only utilize for one week out of the year. It begins in small increments, an affordable monthly payment that appears to be a fraction of the cost for a normal booking. What the resorts do not make clear is the high interest rates and additional charges of “maintenance f...